Thursday, November 09, 2006

Dutch Award Damages to Members of Islamic Terror Group

Only the probability of Democrats taking over Congress can compare with the horror of Dutch dhimmitude.

A court in Rotterdam has awarded €72,000 ($91,881) to members of an Islamic terrorist group called Hofstadgroep who had been acquitted after being arrested on terrorism charges. This is more than what would normally be granted for the time that was spent in remand custody. Damages were also rewarded for lost income.

The court was well aware that the acquitted terrorists maintain close ties to Hofstadgroep. Remember when Theo Van Gogh was murdered and then his corpse mutilated in broad daylight on an Amsterdam street for making a movie Muslims didn't like? The killer, Mohammed Bouyeri, was a member of Hofstadgroep.

Tip of the hat to moonbattery.

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