Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Revisiting the treatment at Guantanamo Bay
HUMANE TREATMENT FOR GITMO PRISONERS -- (House of Representatives - June 21, 2005)
Mr. Speaker, it is about supper time here in the United States. I wonder what is on the plates across our dinner tables. Perhaps lemon baked fish, broccoli, steamed carrots, fresh fruit. Sounds healthy to me, maybe delicious to some. This menu could be on any menu of any home or restaurant in the United States tonight. We even know that some of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay have actually gained weight while they have been there.
But, Mr. Speaker, this menu is also what is being served in Guantanamo Bay prison on any given night. Mr. Speaker, we have a purpose in Guantanamo Bay. It is to house outlaws, criminals, radical terrorists; they are locked up there.
These detainees are people that have killed Americans and want to keep killing Americans. These are people picked up off the battlefield. They were not wearing uniforms. They were not state sponsored, but there were there for a reason, and that was to execute innocent people on the battlefield.
Some of them have been released. And at least 12 of them have been recaptured on the battlefield trying to kill Americans.
So tomorrow night at Guantanamo Bay, orange glazed chicken, fresh fruit crepes, steamed peas, and mushrooms and rice pilaf. It does not sound like bread and water to me.
And do you think our troops and in Afghanistan and Iraq are getting crepes tonight? Probably not. They are eating C-rations out of cans as they stand there in the desert and the heat, protecting the world for democracy.
Makes sense to me !!
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
9:27 AM
The article states.....
After a week of dithering, the Bush Administration has finally decided to send Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to the Middle East. But when Condi arrives on Friday, ten days after the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah began, she won't try and push for an immediate ceasefire.
Maybe because cease fires don't work with terrorists. History shows that cease fires only give terrorists time to re-arm.
In 1993 and 1996, Secretary of State Warren Christopher launched a vigorous push for diplomacy that quieted fighting between the Israeli army and Lebanese militants.
Yeah, that worked out really well. We don't need 'quiet time', we need a SOLUTION !
But today, according to the Wall Street Journal, Bush and Rice "have no intention of launching a similar round of diplomacy to end the current fighting. Visiting Damascus is out of the question. And a cease-fire isn't their most pressing aim, they say."
Duh ! The Cease fires failed in the past, maybe this administration learns from past mistakes.
No, Condi's belatedly stopping by "to build support for the effective crippling of Hezbollah." An ambitious goal, but shouldn't an end to the violence come first?
How can you cripple and defeat the enemy with a cease fire ? I thought you defeated your enemy by winning a war ! (See history of WWI and WWII.)
See rest of the nonsense
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
7:30 AM
The Libs hate when the military meets its quota
They knock a 'my space' website that the marines have.
see for yourself
Here is the marines page..... looks pretty good to me !
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
7:23 AM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Group: U.S. military urged abuse in Iraq
NEW YORK - The group Human Rights Watch said in a report released Sunday that U.S. military commanders encouraged abusive interrogations of detainees in Iraq.
Maybe Human rights watch should concentrate on stories like this.....
Assailants slit the throats of a mother and her three children in southern Iraq
Where the family had fled to escape threats that they had cooperated with the Americans.
The mother's sister was also slain in the savage attack, which occurred Wednesday in an apartment in the southern city of Basra, police said. Five other family members were rescued before they bled to death.
Officials said the family had fled Baghdad for Basra after receiving threats because they had cooperated with U.S. forces. The officials gave no further details and spoke on condition of anonymity because they feared reprisals by sectarian militias that have infiltrated Basra's police.
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
7:14 AM
Saturday, July 22, 2006
PETA: Sacrifice Human, Not Animal Life for Medical Research
Perhaps we should start with 'PETA' families.
The animal rights activist group PETA seems to have its own “ethical” problem -- urging the sacrifice of human life rather than that of laboratory animals for medical research.
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
6:55 AM
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Moment of Truth -
This is so obvious, can't understand why the rest of the world (liberals) doesn't see it this way.
Taken from Front Page Magazine
Americans need to take a hard look at what is going on in the Middle East, because it provides the clearest picture possible of the war we are in. On one side are al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hizbollah, Syria and Iran and their allies: Russia, France, Greece, and the UN majority. On the other is the only democracy in the land of Muslim and Arab terror. The origins of this front in the war on terror are crystal clear: the desire of the Muslim terrorists -- the elected majority among Palestinian Arabs and the occupying Shi'ite army in Lebanon, backed by Syria and Iran -- to destroy Israel and push the Jews into the sea.
The war reveals the impossibility of a Palestinian state and the necessity of a civilized occupying force in a region that is populated by a people who have been terminally brainwashed into an ideology of hate, which makes their self-government a crime waiting to happen.
There were 10,000 Jews living in Gaza until recently. They were so creative that while representing less than one percent of the population they accounted for 10% of the entire gross national product of the country. Productive and law-abiding as they were, their existence in Gaza required a Israeli army presence to protect them. So uncontrollable is the genocidal hatred of Palestinians for Jews (more than a million Palestinians on the other hand live peacefully in Israel enjoying more rights than any Arabs or Muslims living in their own countries). The Israeli army in Gaza was also necessary to prevent genocidal Palestinians Jew-haters from lobbing rockets into Israeli schoolyards.
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
7:20 AM
Putin says Israels "use of force should be balanced"
Balanced? In a War ? What does that mean, and how in the hell can you win if you're forced to be "balanced" ?
Mr Bush said that in order to bring the conflict to an end it was important to understand why it had started in the first place, "and that's because Hezbollah has been launching rocket attacks out of Lebanon into Israel and because Hezbollah captured two Israeli soldiers".
Mr Bush also called on Syria to put pressure on Hezbollah to end the violence.
Syria has said it will support Hezbollah and Lebanon against Israel's attacks.
Mr Putin was more critical of Israel's massive bombing campaign, saying that the "use of force should be balanced", But he added that it was unacceptable that Hezbollah was trying to reach its goals with abductions and strikes against an independent state.
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
6:45 AM
Friday, July 14, 2006
ACLU Doesn’t Want English Signs
But it's OK if it's the other way around. Are you sure that we're in America?
The American Civil Liberties Union has asked officials in a Detroit suburb to reject a proposal that would require businesses with foreign language signs to add English translations.
"We write to strongly urge you to abandon the measure as unconstitutional, anti-immigrant and unnecessary," the ACLU wrote to the city Thursday in a letter that was also signed by officials with the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee of Michigan and Latin Americans for Social and Economic Development Inc.
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
10:06 PM
'Global Warming' TV Special 'Misleads Public,' Scientist Says
Just a heads-up on a special that'll be aired on Sunday.
( - A program on "global warming" set to debut on the Discovery Channel Sunday night "misleads the public," because it relies on "just a few scientists with a particular personal viewpoint on this subject," says a climatologist who has seen the two-hour special.
"Global Warming: What You Need to Know" is also "a disappointment" that contains "errors and misconceptions," according to Roger Pielke, Sr., professor of atmospheric sciences at Colorado State University.
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
7:31 AM
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Dick Durbin - Bring the Terrorists Home
Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) formerly claimed U.S. soldiers at Guantanamo Bay were comparable to "Nazis, Soviets in their gulags or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beings."
However now Mr. Durbin, upon a visit to the prison, feels that detainees are being treated humanely and in accordance with U.S. and international law, but the symbolism of the prison as a center of "heavy-handed" U.S. treatment of captives outweighs its value as a detention facility.
Forget detention and security, to Durbin it's all about symbolism and how the world views the United States, not terrorists. The detainees have not only killed U.S. soldiers but have killed thousands of innocent civilians around the world.
At least a dozen detainees that have been released returned to the battle field to kill again. Many have home countries who won't accept them because they are a threat to society.
Durbin has provided a solution. Move the detainees to the Continental U.S. and close down Guantanamo Bay. Why? Because the prison has become a "negative symbol." Although it has been given a clean bill of health, including on the matter of torture, Durbin enjoys claiming torture still exists. Durbin finds Guantanamo Bay, "bleak and barren and hotter than the hinges of hell." Did the Senator expect to find swimming pools and shuffle board?
AND wasn't Turbin Durbin part of the problem giving the world a "negative symbol" to Guantanamo Bay ??
Thanks to Liberally Conservative
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
9:00 AM
New York Times - helping our enemy - Thanks to 'Cityslicker'
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
8:44 AM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
World Cup
Congratulations to the Italian people for winning the World Cup. They won after France's best player got ejected for head-butting. That's the closest anyone in a French uniform has come to combat in 60 years.
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
4:33 PM
Do these idiots have blinders on?
Prisons at Center of Damning Report on U.S. Human Rights
UNITED NATIONS, Jul 11 (OneWorld) - Rights advocacy groups in the United States are calling for the United Nations to take note of the gross human rights violations being committed in their country.
"It's time for the United States to own up to its responsibility and acknowledge its patterns of human rights violations," says Tonya McClary of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), a Quaker human rights group, which is part of the coalition that prepared the report for the UN.
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
11:48 AM
The memorial for Flight 93 still shaped like Islamic crecent
Can you believe this ??
The memorial for Flight 93 was intially designed shaped as an Islamic crecent that pointed directly to Mecca. Outrage over this chosen design to commemorate the lives lost in a Pennsylvania field in one giant act of bravery forced a re-think of the design. In late November 2005, it was announced a new design would be made for the memorial.
Today we learn that the new design is essentially the very same design but instead called the “Bowl of Embrace” as opposed to the previous name, the “Crescent of Embrace.” The objectionary crescent and it’s position relative to the perceived target of the strike, Washington D.C., and Mecca still exists.
Even more disgusting than the design and the exact position is that the there are to be glass blocks commemorating everyone on board including the four hijackers. Yes, the design will commemorate the hijackers. What kind of asinine crap is that?
more at in the bullpen....
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
10:11 AM
Dick 'Turban' Durbin Cares More For Bugs Than Soldiers
Here's part of the story From the conservative voice....
My son went away to Iraq with the Illinois National Guard, last week. I, the proud papa of one of our brave men in uniform, stood in the bleachers at the General Richard L. Jones Armory in downtown Chicago on the morning of July 3rd watching as the boys of the 178th Infantry battalion (MPs) presented themselves to their relatives and Chicago's media for the last time before they leave for duty in Iraq.
Republican candidate for governor, Judy Barr Topinka, was present and stayed for a while shaking hands and wishing the soldiers well. Every single TV news outlet attended to interview the boys for a segment on their nightly newscasts.
And where was Dick "Turban" Durbin when the boys from Chicago were preparing to leave for Iraq?
Talking about bugs.
No, not the NSA, CIA, surveillance kind, I mean real bugs. Dick was touring nearby Kane county, Illinois looking for the emerald ash borer beetle that he is trying to get Federal funds to combat.
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
9:58 AM
Monday, July 10, 2006
Ralph Peters - KILL, DON'T CAPTURE
Consider today's norm: A terrorist in civilian clothes can explode an IED, killing and maiming American troops or innocent civilians, then demand humane treatment if captured - and the media will step in as his champion. A disguised insurgent can shoot his rockets, throw his grenades, empty his magazines, kill and wound our troops, then, out of ammo, raise his hands and demand three hots and a cot while he invents tales of abuse.HOW TO SOLVE OUR PRISONER PROBLEM
Excellent article by Ralph Peters
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
9:57 AM
Thursday, July 06, 2006
If the New York Times had been around in 1776
Thanks to the Best View for this one
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
9:15 AM
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
This is why the terrorists are never criticized for the way they treat their prisoners
It's because they kill the prisoners within a month of capture, or better yet for them, they kill people right on the spot. Why have to deal with prisoners. Here's an example.....
The hard-line Muslim fighters, who have banned watching television, opened fire after a crowd of teenagers defied their orders to leave a hall where a businessman was showing Tuesday's Germany-Italy match on satellite television, according to Shabelle Radio, an independent local station. It said the businessman and a teenage girl were killed.
Hard-line Muslim fighters, who wrested control of the Somali capital from warlords in June, have forbidden people from watching television or movies in line with their strict interpretation of Islam. (where is the International Red Cross?), or are they afraid to criticize them for fear of their life?
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
2:16 PM
Why Doesn't Hillary know the difference between Legal and illegal immigration
She says...... Speaking at a rally of Irish immigrants, Clinton criticized a bill the House passed in December that would impose harsher penalties for undocumented workers.
"Don't turn your backs on what made this country great," she said, calling the measure "a rebuke to what America stands for."
The House measure would make unlawful presence in the United States, which is currently a civil offense, a felony
What made this country great was immigration... LEGAL immigration. Why can't they understand the difference.
Posted by
Wayne from Downers Grove
6:58 AM